[ebook] Fundamentals of Buddhism

Public lectures by Dr Peter D. Santina: the life of the Buddha, the Four Noble Truths, the Noble Eightfold Path, Karma, Rebirth, dependent origination, the three universal characteristics and the five aggregates.  

To Be or Not To Be a Vegetarian?

  People who eat meat have more desires and random thoughts. It’s not easy for them to attain samadhi. People who don’t eat meat, however, are content and have fewer desires and random thoughts.   When the Buddha was in the world, he encouraged people to be vegetarian, but he didn’t force them. Why? Because […]

Strictly Uphold Precepts and Learn to Be Patient

  Upholding precepts means not having a temper.   Precepts are a cultivator’s life. If one transgresses them, this would be as grievous as having one’s life cut off. Before Shakyamuni Buddha entered Nirvana, he told the Venerable Ananda, “Take the precepts as your teacher.” This shows how important the precepts are. “Strictly” means with […]